Thursday, 8 November 2012

Banana Bread

Firstly I must apologise for the lack of posts. Life has gotten a lot more interesting recently and my energy has had to be spent elsewhere.

This recipe is adapted from one my Nonna (grandmother in Italian) gave my Mom. The brilliant thing about it is that you will never throw bananas away again because you can use the most over-ripe bananas and you just get a stronger flavour.

Banana Bread
2- 4 bananas
300g Wholewheat bread flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
30ml sunflower oil
150g dark brown sugar
2 free range eggs
100 g dried fruit
Milk to mix
Chopped nuts and demerara sugar to decorate

1. Preheat your oven to 180C.
2. Peel your over ripe bananas.

3. Put them in your mixer with the eggs and beat until smooth.
4. Add the oil and sugar and mix well.
5. Sift the flour (tip the bran back in), the baking powder and the salt.
6. Slowly add the flour mixture until you get a very thick paste, add your dried fruit and if it is quite dry add some milk.
The mixture should look like this.
6. Grease a loaf tin and pour in your mixture, then sprinkled with the nuts and demerara sugar.
7. Bake low down in the oven slowly for about 30 to 40 minutes, keep checking with skewer whether the inside is cooked as sometimes the middle stays sticky for ages! Or maybe that is just me wanting banana bread NOW.
And here is the finished product: -
MMMM, now I do a very naughty thing and cut slices and butter it like normal bread but if you are being good it is perfectly nice on it's own.



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